Monday, December 13, 2010

Is the ‘Columbo of climate change’ someone who would rather avoid Columbo-like questions? | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
The theory of man-caused global warming is supported by only two legs, one saying the consensus of scientific opinion is unimpeachable, and the other proclaiming skeptic scientists should be ignored because they’re corrupt. The skeptic scientists are continually asking tough questions about the first leg. It’s time for professional journalists to start asking pesky questions about the second one, to see whether Ross Gelbspan is the “Columbo” he’s said to be, or is someone who would rather avoid Columbo-like questions.
Hansen Says European Winters Are Getting Warmer | Real Science
It is warmer, but you just aren’t qualified to understand. It is above your pay grade.
GISS : Erasing The Past | Real Science
They deleted almost five degrees of cooling prior to 1920, turning a long-term (sharp) cooling trend into a warming trend.
Milking The Alaska Story Since 1977 | Real Science
Temperatures in Alaska haven’t increased since the PDO shift in 1977, and over the last four years are no warmer than the late 1950s. They had some big forest fires about six years ago when it was still hot.
Hansen’s “Hottest Year Ever” Is Primarily Based On Fabricated Data | Real Science
But there is a huge problem. Most of his hot areas are not based on thermometer data.

The map below masks off all of the regions where Hansen has no thermometer readings. As it turns out, only 25% of the red area above is legitimate data, and only 33% of the dark brown is legitimate data.

1 comment:

Russell C. said...

On that first story about iffy accusations of skeptic scientists being corrupt, and the story's links to how that creeps into the upcoming Supreme Court hearing of an appeal to the Connecticut v AEP global warming nuisance case:

How about the possibility that New Jersey and Wisconsin - 2 of the 8 states suing energy providers to reduce their CO2 emissions - could bail out of the lawsuit? Both NJ Governor Chris Christie and Wisconsin Senator-elect Ron Johnson are big skeptics of human-caused global warming......