Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lots more reasons to believe in Global Warming « Roger Helmer MEP
6. Follow the money! We have to believe in Global Warming, because thousands of jobs depend on it, in academia, in the media, in local councils, in the new “green” industries – even Chris Huhne’s job! There are millions of pound in research grants for Global Warming. And billions of dollars for wind farm merchants, the photo-voltaic industry, and a clutch of snake-oil salesmen. Vast profits in trading carbon futures – Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri are growing rich in the proceeds. Challenge the theory behind Global Warming, and all that lovely money goes up in smoke.
EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change
Presidents have, since the days of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, made unilateral decisions arguably outside the scope of their Constitutional power and dared Congress or the Courts to stop them. The practice has increased over time and been made easier by Congress having delegated much of its power to Executive agencies. The consequence is an administrative state where the elected representatives of the people have a mostly reactive role, acting to check these agencies, rather than making affirmative decisions on national policy.
Florida Keys: Cold hurt coral, left lionfish alone
Corals struggle to survive in water below 60 degrees, and the Keys experienced the first cold-water bleaching event since 1977.

Cold-water bleaching typically is deadlier than bleaching from overly warm water.
Manatees also are in peril when caught in waters consistently below 60 degrees. Seven dead manatees were found in Upper Keys waters from Jan. 18 to 22, part of a record 107 killed statewide from Jan. 1 to 23.

“This is an unprecedented event as far as the Keys marine environment is concerned, one will do down in the history books,” said Billy Causey, southeast regional director for the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.
Birds also died in large numbers.

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