Friday, December 24, 2010

The toughest job in the world? : Nature News
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change seeks its first communications chief.
The glacier affair didn't need to become the feeding frenzy for the international media that it did, he says. "In scientific circles it had been known for months that something was badly wrong with the glacier claim. A skilled public-relations manager with a good network of relevant scientists could have nipped the problem in the bud before it burst on the scene, rather than having journalists claim a scoop," says Nuttall.
..."It will be a very challenging job," says Michael Mann, a climate researcher at Penn State University in University Park. Critics "will be taking pot shots from the sidelines at every turn".

"But the clearer we can be in communicating scientific knowledge, the harder it will be for professional climate-change deniers to manufacture false doubt, confusion and controversy", he says.
January 2010: Pachauri calls Indian govt. report on melting Himalayan glaciers as voodoo science
London, January 9 : Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has described the Indian government report that criticized the claim by IPCC over the faster than expected melting of Himalayan glaciers, as "voodoo science".
IPCC Communications and Media Relations Programme Manager : Geneva Switzerland : Naturejobs
S(he) will direct and supervise all web information of the IPCC Secretariat, will maintain and strengthen liaison with the media and will lead the development of communication and outreach programmes, including the social media (twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.).

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