Thursday, December 16, 2010

Warmist John Abraham: "*Everyone* knows the planet is warming"

Technology News: Science: Critics Slam Fox News for Distorting Global Warming Debate
Sammon's assertion in his email that there is some question that the planet is warming was challenged by experts interviewed by TechNewsWorld. "I don't know of any scientist who would say that the planet is not warming," declared John Abraham, an associate professor of engineering at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.

Abraham, who authored in May a widely disseminated rebuttal of the arguments by skeptics of global warming, added: "Everyone knows the planet is warming. There's very, very clear evidence of that."
While almost all of the scientific community accepts that the planet is warming, there are a few members who don't, and Fox uses that to warp the issue in the name of fairness, according to Eileen Claussen, president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.

In the name of being fair and balanced, she told TechNewsWorld, Fox "implies that there is an equal number of scientists on all sides of this issue, which is not the case. It's really distorting the facts."

"Fox seems unwilling to accept the facts," she maintained.

"Most media outlets try to have some factual basis," she added. "I think Fox prefers fantasy to facts."

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