Sunday, January 09, 2011

Carbon Clampdown: “Once the dial reaches zero, you have used up all your personal carbon allowance” | hauntingthelibrary
The video, entitled ‘Carbon Clampdown,’ presents the case for instituting a new hardline regime on personal carbon allowances, but does so in as friendly a way as is possible with such a repressive idea.
Inside The Distorted Left-Wing Mind | Real Science
Last year, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot 43 people at Fort Hood while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” The press immediately came to the defense of Islam – saying he was a troubled individual acting alone.

In October, James Lee took hostages at gunpoint at the Discovery Communications to protest global warming. He planned to blow everybody up, and the press chose to simply bury this story.

Yesterday, a mentally ill, pot smoking, atheist kid went on a shooting rampage in Tucson, and the press immediately blamed it on Sarah Palin, Christianity, and the Tea Party.
Met Office January 2010: “winters to become increasingly warm” | hauntingthelibrary
Going back only one year – almost to the day – we find a news story from Reuters, quoting the Met Office on why cold, snowy winters like that of 09/10 would be an increasingly rare phenomenon:
American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Be Scientific (Skeptical) about Scientific Research
Last year, the climate warming/climate change hysteria, which has caused limited resources to be diverted from energy production by proven means to the pockets of scamsters and into unreliable energy production operations, was proven to be a hoax of the same sort.

As my friend Charles Martin, the author of the two articles linked in the preceding paragraph, observes, the financial scam behind the climate scare and the manipulation of data to make the claim more plausible are not far different from the chicanery behind the utterly scandalous and fact-free Alar scare:

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