Monday, January 10, 2011

'Climate nazis': Violent rhetoric infects many US debates | Damian Carrington | Environment |
Even the debate on climate change, where the key issues are frequently highly scientific or economic, has attracted frequent death threats to researchers and election TV ads in which a prospective Senator shoots the cap-and-trade bill with his rifle.

Jared Loughner, the man charged with the attack, is widely reported to have been mentally unstable. Some commentators argue the act was his alone.

But the example of global warming, where arguments rage over datasets, reveals the terrifying atmosphere that can be generated even in an area that lacks the visceral punch of issues such as healthcare.
Twitter / Kenwardjr: Tom Brokaw
Tom Brokaw points out Manchin's shooting cap-and trade bill as example of violent images in political discourse. Any other mentions of this?
Mike Steketee's response to Christopher Monckton | The Australian
CHRISTOPHER Monckton offers me the opportunity to point out anything in his "scarewatch" that is unfair to me and that he will consider amending what he already has posted.
China Moves Toward Carbon Emissions Trading to Improve Energy Efficiency and Competitiveness -
Although several cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, started testing voluntary carbon trading two years ago, the infrastructure in China is virtually nonexistent. To date, China still lacks essential legislation and third-party verifications to support domestic carbon trading.

Thus, Chinese leaders and industry players should first warm up with voluntary carbon trading, said Chen, adding that the first step is to improve the infrastructure.

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