Sunday, January 09, 2011

The Climate Supremacists
Democracy is threatened by this group of scientific supremacists. Their calls for a coup should no longer be ignored. They are not the kind of people who are capable of running society, and would surely lead it to a disaster that would far surpass their own worst case climate scenarios.
The Arizona shootings were like Kwanzaa come early for America's liberal fascists – Telegraph Blogs
As Toby Harnden reports, barely were the bodies cold when the liberal fascists started pointing the finger of blame: it was Sarah Palin’s fault, of course; Sarah Palin’s and Glenn Beck’s and, of course, the Tea Party’s. Definitely not a crazed killing spree by a deeply confused young man, no, sirree. After all, as Rahm Emmanuel would say, you must “never let a crisis go to waste.”
And if anyone is gloating about the suffering and death inflicted on Congresswoman Giffords and her entourage, it most certainly isn’t her opponents in the Tea Party. It’s all those unprincipled grievance mongers on the liberal-left.

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