Thursday, January 06, 2011

EU Referendum: The Okhotsk crisis deepens
Finally, very latest report of this series emphasises, "Third icebreaker hurries to ice-trapped ships' rescue", which sets the seal on the story so far. They are in serious trouble here. It was always going to be difficult getting the 32,000-ton Sodruzhetsvo out, and the bland optimism we have been getting has always sounded unrealistic.

There is a very real chance here that things could go seriously belly-up, with the Sodruzhetsvo being sunk or seriously damaged. In the 1983 ice crisis, the Soviets lost a freighter and others were damaged. This could happen again.

And in the storm condition forecast, with high winds, blizzards and zero visibility, there is no guarantee that a helicopter rescue could be effected. If they could get these trapped ships out now, they would. That they are not doing so, and waiting for the Krasin says they can't. And that tells its own story.
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