Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sign of the times: New London play "The Heretic, at the Royal Court, will provide support for those who deny mankind is causing climate change"

Rival plays on climate change go head to head on London stage | Stage | The Observer
The National Theatre's Greenland will attempt to give an overview of the dangers posed by climate change and will broadly support the idea, shared by the vast majority of scientists, that global warming is occurring because humans have been pumping more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. By contrast, The Heretic, at the Royal Court, will provide support for those who deny mankind is causing climate change.
The Heretic will focus on the work of a single, fictional scientist, Dr Diane Cassell, played by Juliet Stevenson, who finds herself at odds with her colleagues and is forced to ask if the issue is becoming political as well as personal.

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