Friday, January 21, 2011

Still more insanity from warmist Michael Tobis: Is it possible to type the paragraph below while not wearing a tin foil hat?

Only In It For The Gold: Fuller tries to cheer me up
The evidence is piling up that our circumstances are beyond our cognitive or managerial abilities. I'm more scared of that than of hundred degree oceans right now. I think at the present rate we will not manage to maintain what we are pleased to call civilization long enough to get to 5xCO2. I suppose you could say that may be more good news than bad news; at least a few vertebrates will straggle through.


Craig Goodrich said...

It starts getting hilarious when the supersensationalist warmists succeed in frightening the gullible green hysterics, who are of course the only ones left who pay any attention to this nonsense.

Paul Daniel Ash said...

I guess it's not worth pointing out that this is a response to someone writing about the "most extreme risk envisioned in all climate studies... a runaway greenhouse effect, in which human activities cause a buildup of CO2 to a level (ca. 1400 ppm)." In other words, this is not a prediction, but an absolute worst-case scenario.

Oh. Sorry. Am I boring you?