Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transcript: Bachmann's response to State of the Union -
Well, here's a few suggestions for fixing our economy. The president could stop the EPA from imposing a job-destroying cap-and-trade system...The president could agree to an energy policy that increases American energy production and reduces our dependence on foreign oil.
Twitter / Andy Revkin: In #sotu how can Obama men ...
In #sotu how can Obama mention carbon capture pipe dream & not mention climate? Perhaps because CCS billions are simply bonbon for Big Coal?
Sierra Daily: Daily News from Sierra Magazine
"Daddy, why didn't he say anything about global warming?" --daughter Fae, age 8

"The tragedy we can see unfolding, though, is the way the president shied away from even mentioning the idea that climate change is a problem. That reflects political reality, but it also reflects the greatest failure of Barack Obama’s term in office." --Matthew Yglesias, smart DC blogger

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