Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The words “climate” and “global warming” do not appear in the State of the Union Address | Watts Up With That?
It appears that “global warming” aka “climate change” aka “climate disruption” are off the President’s radar. I’m sure this will appear as a snub to many in the climate business. He does talk about clean energy though
Jennifer Marohasy » 2011 Australian of the Year: Carbon Dioxide Caused Wind to Evaporate
Speaking to The Age newspaper in 2008 Mr McKeon explained that in the 1980s and 1990s a consistent wind blew from the southwest across Waratah Bay near Wilsons Promontory. But since at least 2004 that wind has evaporated. This observation helped convince Mr McKeon to begin minimising carbon emissions and become a business community ambassador for Earth Hour and in particular to suggest businesses switch all their lights off for one hour every year.
Poll Shows Vast Majority of Australians Couldn’t Give a XXXX About Global Warming. | hauntingthelibrary
A poll of Australians on issues they would consider at a Federal election has some bad news for the alarmists – some very bad news: nobody cares.

According to the survey, only 3% of the electorate rate “Addressing climate change” as their prime voting concern. A further 3% put it into second place, and a whopping 4% rated it as a tertiary concern (third place).

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