Thursday, February 10, 2011

Keeping farm animals alive in a freezing Nebraska winter | Grist
Storms in the past few weeks have left us digging out from under snow drifts, though nothing like the 10- to 12-foot ones we saw last winter. Perpetually cold, I've been shivering in sub-zero temperatures, and the wind is like nothing I ever experienced growing up -- and I grew up in western Wisconsin.
All these snowstorms are great though, because they show that climate change is a hoax. Right?

Sigh. I'll let someone else explain the difference between weather and climate, and that climate-change models predict more extreme weather, both hot and cold, as the climate gets warmer overall. As for me, I'll be preparing for many more wild winters in the coming years.
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » House Republicans Want to Force NASA to Drop Its Global Warming Research and Focus on Space Exploration…
Hey, it’s not like it would save us a billion dollars a year . . . no, wait, yes it would.

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