Thursday, February 10, 2011

Madison, Wi., Mayor Calls For Snowpocalypse Day To Combat Climate Change » Pirate's Cove
With students in mind, Cieslewicz unveiled talks in city government to allocate an annual “snowpocolypse” day, an annual day off for students for the city to prepare for dangerous winter weather that he said is inevitably going to come due to climate change.

The mayor said the reason for the day is two-fold. In addition to giving students a day off during a stressful month, he said he wants to “change the way [city government] thinks about how [they] do their work, because of global climate change.”
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Two New World Bank Papers on Climate Extremes
The hypothesized damages quoted by Lord Stern are completely inconsistent with empirical evidence.
'Healthy Skeptic' on Climate Change Promises Hearings by Science Subcommittee - ScienceInsider
The House of Representatives science committee's panel on basic research and education plans to hold hearings on climate change to present more views on the topic, says its new chair, freshman Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL).
Q: Is human activity causing global warming?
M.B.: That's a difficult question to answer because I've talked to scientists on both sides of the fence, especially at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Some say yes, and some say no. I'm also old enough to remember when the same left-wing part of our society was creating a global cooling scare in order to generate funds for their pet projects. So 30-some years ago, the big scare was global cooling, and once they drained the government, they shifted to global warming. So I'm approaching the issue with a healthy degree of skepticism. If the evidence is there to prove it, then so be it.

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