Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Migrant Mind: Failed Predictions of the Alarmists
To close this up, we need to ask why we should believe their incredibly apocalyptic predictions when their last set of apocalyptic predictions failed. Like the Millerites, they constantly revise their predictions when the proclaimed event doesn't happen on their time schedule. How are we to trust their predictions about 2100 when their predictions about the past 20 years have been so false? Remember we will not be here in 2100 to check out how false they are. We will all be dead. But then, that is part of the scam. Make scary predictions so far out that one can never be proven wrong. Make those predictions dire so that the grant money can continue to flow. In my opinion, the who thing is nothing but a political agenda to keep the tax dollars flowing for the greedy researchers.
UN : Bulgaria Allowed To Trade Worthless Gas Again | Real Science
It is like Monty Python skit.

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