Monday, February 14, 2011

President of the Union of Concerned Scientists rages, rages against the dying of the global warming scam

Republicans are closing their eyes to climate science - Environment -
...holding hearings would only accomplish two things: harass honest, hardworking climate scientists and waste taxpayer money.
But there are no longer two sides. Asking for further proof about climate change is now the same as asking for more proof that smoking causes cancer. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists recognize that human activity - mainly burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical forests -already has triggered hazardous environmental changes.
Instead of attacking the EPA and holding bogus hearings, Hall and his fellow climate change deniers should follow the lead of an institution that doesn't fool around when it comes to clear-eyed planning for the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.
Kevin Knobloch is the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists

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