Thursday, February 10, 2011

Short Sharp Science: EPA chief survives first Congressional climate skirmish
The new cadre of Republicans in Congress is packed with climate change sceptics, several of whom have promised to use their power to cast doubt on the underlying science. But in their first skirmish with the government official leading attempts to limit climate change, they failed to land any killer blows.
The 'urban legend' of climate change
It is here, Mr. Harris believes, that activists mislead policymakers with claims of "consensus," insisting that because most scientists believe humans are having some impact on the climate, that it must be stopped through rigorous policy measures, though clearly one does not necessarily follow the other.
Al Gore Gushes Over ‘Formidable Intelligence’ of New Hire Keith Olbermann
Al Gore loves Keith Olbermann. In case it wasn’t clear before, the former vice president made it evident Wednesday in speaking to reporters about the former MSNBC host’s move to Gore’s own media company, Current TV. How much does Gore love Olbermann? Let him count the ways : He’s a unique talent and he has a magnetic personality and people form a relationship with him because they know that he is brilliant, they know he is speaking from his heart, they know he has passionate beliefs. He cares about them a lot. And he marries that to his formidable intelligence. And I think people appreciate his authenticity and where he’s coming from. … Less than 24 hours after Olbermann announced his departure from MSNBC on Jan. 21, Gore translated this love into a job offer, extending a personal invitation to join Current TV. “We’ve been friends for a while,” Gore said of Olbermann Wednesday. “I find myself in substantial agreement with the views I’ve heard Keith Olbermann express” — which is Al Gore’s way of saying, “We agree on lots of stuff.”

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