Wednesday, February 09, 2011

What did our grandchildren do to deserve the Prince of Wales? – Telegraph Blogs
Witnesses: Riverstone, Citigroup Global Markets, Virgin Green Fund, and Climate Change Capital; RSPB, Greenpeace, WWF, and Friends of the Earth (at 11.15 am).

Hello. Excuse me. What on earth do environmental activist lobby groups have to do with Britain’s energy policy?
Republican congressmen vote away scientific facts | Grist
All this would just be the stuff of dark humor if the stakes for real human beings were not so high. Climate disruption is a problem that can sneak up on you, especially if you hold beliefs that make you want to look the other way. Our best hope is that there are people of good judgment who can reach the politicians who believe that the threat is not real or that we can afford to wait even longer before acting. The basis for the Upton-Whitfield-Inhofe bill is fantasy, but it would do huge damage in the real world if it ever became law.

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