Monday, March 28, 2011

Andy @Revkin Points To The End of The Line For The IPCC And Its Lot « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
So there we have it…experts of the “big thing” called “climate change”, aggressive (to the point of hiding declines, preventing publication of competing ideas, inserting unsubstantiated critiques in the IPCC report, etc etc) and definitely “impatient” with us little humans wondering aloud about their certitudes (any post at RC, Connolley, Deltoid, Romm, etc etc keeps confirming this point).
The lights were on, but they weren’t home -
The lights were going full tilt in the living room and front hall Saturday night at the home of Jed Goldberg, president of Earth Day Canada.
Greens grounded | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
THE Victorian and New South Wales elections may have put an end to Bob Brown’s hopes of an advancing political greenslide in Australia.
More and more, the public is becoming deeply suspicious of the consequences of the extremist policies of selfish inner-city professionals who vote for the Greens…

Julia Gillard is starting to get the message. You won’t see any more joint announcements with Bob Brown between now and the next election.... Pressured by Bob Brown into announcing a carbon tax, Julia Gillard must be wondering why she panicked at the behest of a man with a friendly face, but extremist views, which are putting the federal Labor Government at risk.

On Saturday night, former NSW premier Nathan Rees, in describing the carbon tax, said: “I’ve never seen an issue sink in so quickly.” He should know. The former premier is struggling to hold on to his seat after a massive swing against him in Labor’s heartland.

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