Sunday, March 06, 2011

Climate Lessons: Teach Them about this Deeply Deceptive Statistic used by CAGW Spinners: the '97%'
The notorious, the fatuous, the misleading claim that '97% of climatologists' believe in ('catastrophic' implied/stated/assumed) anthropogenic global warming has been rebutted many times. Anyone with an elementary grasp of sample-survey techniques would have refused to publish the results, based as they are on a sloppy question, an imperfect frame, and a tiny subset of self-selected respondents of unknown qualifications. But perhaps when you are saving the planet, the means justifies the ends, or more clearly, 'let's not let scientific integrity get in the way of political impact.'
Letter: A few questions for global warming deniers »
So I want the deniers to ask themselves: Do you think the measurements that say the planet is warming up much faster than any prior long-term cyclical warming and cooling are wrong?

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