Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Global warming may severely impact U.S. naval forces
Kennicutt points out that if the polar icecaps in Greenland and Antarctica continue to melt, sea levels around the world will dramatically rise. Rising sea levels could have wide ranging detrimental impacts on naval facilities now and in the future, the report says.

Arctic sea ice is melting much faster than predicted just a few years ago, so much so that there could be a summer, ice-free Arctic Ocean in a matter of years,” he explained.
» The Evil Empire Strikes Back: Google ‘Flags’ Website Skeptical of Global Warming - Big Government
So not only are the Google crowd global warming rent-seekers looking to rob Peter (you, the taxpayer and ratepayer) to pay their Paul, they are activists who fit in very well with their chosen crowd.
Climate Craziness of the Week: IPCC’s Pachauri claims 17cm of sea level rise made the Tsunami worse | Watts Up With That?
It seems to me that clearly he can’t mentally manage the concept of scale.
Thousands of angry ordinary Australians turn up and alarmist smears begin « JoNova
But as much as Labor might wish that today’s rally was a minority group of extremists, this is the start of the pendulum swinging. I stopped to shop at a butchers on the way home inadvertently wearing a No Carbon Tax shirt, and the business-man’s eyes lit up “Were you at the protest?” He’s angry and he’s one of tens of thousands who couldn’t be there today. Many people I spoke to after the rally were keen to help. We need to start networking, with lists. The message was that many people wanted to put posters up and spread the word.

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