Saturday, March 19, 2011

How much will a can of Coke cost if Gillard taxes carbon dioxide? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
With Julia Gillard taxing the emissions caused by the packaging and gas in the drink itself, as well as on the petrol used to bring the Coke to you and the power to cool it, how much more will a can of Coke cost?
YouTube - Climategate 'hide the decline' explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller

An Open Letter to Google | Watts Up With That?
Recently, you have decided to take sides in a scientific debate. That in itself is very foolish. Why would Google want to take either side when there is a disagreement between scientists? I thought your motto was “Do No Evil.” For the 900-pound gorilla to take sides in any tempestuous politically charged scientific discussion is an extremely stupid thing to do, and in this case definitely verges on the E-word.
The Carbon Sense Coalition » The Battle of our Times
This year will see the climax of the Climate War in Australia. Once the new Senators take their seats Gillard and the Greens will try to legislate their carbon dioxide tax followed by the carbon rationing scheme.
GISS Busted | Real Science
GISS reports that the average temperatures in Tromo, Norway during July and August, 1922 – were a cool 14.8 and 11.9 C.
But a newspaper report from the same summer shows extremely hot temperatures.

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