Saturday, March 19, 2011

In India, Sarah Palin bashes President Obama - Andy Barr -
Palin did raise some eyebrows, however, when she contended that green energy jobs weren’t providing a boost to the economy, arguing that more oil exploration would provide a better shot in the arm.

Palin pointed to a study showing that showed green energy reforms had eliminated more jobs than it created as evidence that green energy does not have a strong future. Palin recently attacked Barack Obama over rising oil prices, contending that his policies – rather than uprisings in the Middle East – are to blame for his prices at the pump.
Six dead, one missing in French avalanches
Today the good weather and up to a meter of fresh snow brought skiers out in force in the Queyras. A group of four skiers from the Grenoble area were caught by an avalanche in the commune of Ceillac. The avalanche occurred shortly after 13h00. All four members of the group were buried by the slide.

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