Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Nazi cult of the organic
Historically, German fascism was born out of a 19th century Romantic revolt against industrialization that philosophically mirrored aspects of Thoreau's transcendentalism. The distinction is that while Thoreau sought to separate himself from modernity, eco-fanatics like Al Gore and the Sierra Club seeks to translate their Romantic animosity against modernity into a totalizing government program that will control and dominate every aspect of our lives. Think: carbon credits, ethanol, micro cars and remote-controlled thermostats.

Liberal environmentalism is fascist to the core. The most tangible fascist aspects is that it is an invaluable "crisis mechanism." Recall the progressive motto, "Never allow a good crisis to go to waste." Al Gore constantly insists that global warming is the defining crisis of our time. Skeptics are called traitors, Holocaust deniers, tools of the "carbon interests."

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