Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pawlenty can't outrun climate past - Print View
"So have I changed by position? Yes," Pawlenty added at CPAC. "But I'm not going to be cute about it, hem and haw, be dippy and dancy about it. Just saying yeah, it was a mistake, it was stupid. It was wrong."

Ed Morrissey, a St. Paul-based talk show host who posted the cellphone video of Pawlenty's cap-and-trade remarks at the CPAC conference, said the former Minnesota governor hasn’t put the issue to rest.
Flannery holds first climate [hoax] community meeting - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The Federal Government's Climate Change Commission has held its first community meeting last night in Geelong.

The Government set up the Commission to help build community consensus for taking action on climate change.

The Chief Commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery, says he hopes last night's forum will dispell some of the myths about climate science.
But he says it is possible that people opposed to a carbon tax could try to hijack the the Commission's public meetings.

"In my experience where we've had disruptive elements who've tried to shut down a genuine debate, they've been shouted down from the floor," he said.

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