Monday, March 21, 2011

Piccadilly’s Coca-Cola sign to be switched off for Earth Hour | UK Marketing News
Jon Woods, Country Manager of Coca-Cola Great Britain and Ireland told Brand Republic, “Once again Coca-Cola is pleased to give its full support to Earth Hour.

“As a business, Coca-Cola works hard to behave responsibly and in a way that leaves as little impact on the planet as possible.”

”We hope that our activity this year, more prominent than ever before, encourages our customers to do likewise. Climate change is one of the most serious issues of our time and all businesses must roll up their sleeves in response.”
If one Coke sign is turned off for one hour, how much bad weather will be prevented?

If carbon dioxide really threatens to kill our grandchildren, why doesn't the Coca-Cola company go out of business, using its remaining cash to urge everyone to drink tap water instead of soft drinks that are injected with carbon dioxide, then transported on fossil-fueled trucks?

Why Does Coke Fizz? |
Although the exact formula for popular Coca-Cola drinks is a well-kept trade secret, there a key ingredient in the soda is carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. Injected into the drink to add an extra "tingle" as well as refreshing bubbles, this gaseous concoction is injected into soda containers under extremely high pressures...

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