Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Reference Frame: Hide the decline II: 1400-1550 covered up
But as you can see, they have also hidden a 3 times longer period, 1402-1550, which was arguably even more inconvenient because the trees indicate a faster warming in the 15th century than in the 20th century. By this cosmetic surgery, they have eliminated pretty much 1/2 of their data - on both sides - because they were inconvenient and only picked the 1/2 that could be used as a part of the hockey stick.

I suspect that the whole alarmist paleoclimatological community has been well aware of this 15th century problem - data clearly disagreeing with any hockey stick. My reason for this broader statement is that the censorship seems to influence the same period as the aptly named "censored" directory by Mann that was ultimately erased from MBH98.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Physicists: 'In science truth is not determined by a majority vote. Words such as consensus and incontrovertible do not play a role.'
In a recent letter published in the American Physical Society (APS) Newspaper, two physicists state that the scientific organization should stick to scientific matters, and not allow an anonymous faction of members to use the organization for political advocacy on AGW.
WWF - "Use 60 minutes of darkness to help the world see the light," urges Ban Ki-moon
“Climate change is the greatest human induced crisis facing our world today. It is totally indiscriminate of race, culture, class, nationality or religious belief. It affects every living organism on the planet – including all of us,” Archbishop Emeritus Tutu said.

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