Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Cameron Attending the 2nd International Forum on Sustainability in Brazil | Greener Ideal
The first day of the International Forum on Sustainability will feature Schwarzenegger and Cameron presenting a debate titled "Public Policies that Favor Sustainability," the second day will feature Richard Branson's presentation of "Business Strategies for Decarbonizing the Economy", and the final day will highlight Bill Clinton presenting "Humanism and Sustainability".Twitter / Andrew Hansen
Looking at the doddery, irrelevant geezers [they don't understand the dangers of CO2 like those brainwashed third-graders do!] at this climate change rally, it's truly "fossil-fuelled".Conflicting opinions at carbon tax rallies - ABC Perth - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
A small crowd of around 150 people gathered outside the Convention Centre to voice support for action on climate change.Hitting the footpaths for the No Carbon Tax rally | Crikey
The Opposition Leader Tony Abbott delivered a fiery address to a rally attracting 2,000 people outside parliament house in Canberra.
From one block south, the ‘No Carbon Tax’ parade could have easily have been mistaken for a gaggle of public servants on a mid-morning coffee run. The mostly white, mostly elderly crowd trudged toward state parliament, occasionally muttering curse words like “Julia”, “Joo-liar” and “carbon” in no particular order.
Meanwhile, in Canberra, some 3000 protestors chanted “Tony Tony Tony” as the Opposition Leader took to podium, along with Barnaby Joyce, Browyn Bishop and Joe Hockey.
Richard from Mount Waverley says the carbon price is “open to manipulation” and that Labor’s proposed compensation packages are a scam.
“We have taxpayer funded mouthpieces like Flannery and Garnaut spreading propaganda and it’s propaganda that bloody old Joseph Goebbels would be proud of,” he told Crikey.
Back in Canberra, Tony Abbott told the crowd that Labor MPs were wrong to vilify the protesters as “extreme”.
“I do not see scientific heretics, I do not see environmental vandals, I see people who want honest government,” he said. He was cheered as he slammed the tax and called for fresh elections to test Labor on the initiative.
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