Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oxfam Poll: Majority in five major European countries back Robin Hood Tax
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said creating a coalition of countries willing to implement an FTT for development and climate change will be a key priority for his country's year as chair of the G20. He has got strong support from political heavyweights such as German chancellor Angela Merkel.
Climate deniers rally while poll finds majority support carbon tax | Indymedia Australia
If you go to the Consumers and Taxpayers website CO2 the truth page, they are strongly in the climate denial camp dismissing the huge amount of scientific research on climate change and CO2 emissions in favour of the arguments by climate denial websites.
... The protest has also been compared to the Tea Party protests in the USA.

From Twitter:
"@JamesScullin: A lot of racist placards unrelated to carbon tax at #noCTrally. Also Tea Party placards complete with American spelling!"

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition, representing 58,000 primarily young members, met with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and other politicians in Canberra. "Young people are the most important stakeholders when deciding climate change policy, as we will be the generation most affected by climate change," said Ellen Sandell, National Director of the AYCC.
Where’s the money coming from? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The Sydney Morning Herald’s Phillip Coorey, a warmist, promotes the Gillard Government’s carbon dioxide tax:
Free money! You beauty!

But a question: which poor sucker ends up paying for someone else’s “profit”?

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