Monday, March 14, 2011

Stephen Colbert is having none of your wimpy girl light bulbs | Grist
Right-wingers are now pro-choice, but only for light bulbs...We know what freedom of choice truly means: nestling forever in our comfortable womb of round, warm, expensive, familiar bulbs, suitable for use in baking.
Chris Huhne gets European support to toughen EU climate [scam] targets | Politics | The Guardian
They said toughening the target would "maximise growth, jobs and prosperity" and ensure that Europe made it "to the front of the low-carbon race, rather than being left behind".
Several large business groups have also been lobbying heavily for the current weaker target to be retained, arguing that moving to a higher target without similar commitments from countries outside Europe would impose unfair burdens on EU businesses.
Bob Carter - Global warming: 10 little facts
9. The cost of action on carbon (sic) pollution (sic) is less than the cost of inaction.

This statement is fraudulent. Implementing a carbon dioxide tax will carry large costs for workers and consumers, but bring no measurable cooling (or other change) for future climate.

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