Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanksgiving freeze took a heavy toll on Utah plants | Deseret News
The Salt Lake City International Airport set a record low maximum temperature of 19 degrees, surpassing its old record of 24 set back in 1931
The Green Energy Economy Reconsidered - Forbes.com
The last we saw such an economy was in the 13th century.
Climate Change in the Great American Desert — Tyler Watts | The Moral Liberal
I don’t have the scientific knowledge or training to cast an authoritative judgment on the possibility of manmade global warming nor the efficacy of geoengineering. What I do know, however, is that most grandiose schemes to drastically remake the world, whether based on science or morality, have been tried before in some form or another and found wanting, sometimes with utterly disastrous consequences. More than a century ago, people were fooled by an unlucky coincidence of bad science and good weather into thinking that man could change earth’s climate. Today, we are again facing a string of weird weather coupled with highly dubious science proclaiming that man has it in his power to change—in our case, to wreck—the climate of the planet. Will we learn a lesson in patient skepticism in the face of “scientific” alarmists, or let them in their hubris lead us down a path of improvident and ultimately wasteful investments? I’m skeptical, not just about the very idea of manmade climate change, but also that we’ll be able to take the alarmist-crusaders’ calls for action with the grain of salt they deserve.

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