Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami Of Hysteria Sweeps Over German Media
The Sendai mega-earthquake not only sent a tsunami of water over parts of coastal Japan, but also one of hysteria over the German media and green establishment. As Japan struggles to get a grip on its damaged reactors, German environmentalists are seizing the opportunity in a bid to fan panic across the country, and are now demanding that the country’s older reactors be shut down immediately. The voices of calm reason have been swept away.
DOE and Jones’ Delete Request « Climate Audit
In considering Phil Jones’ request to delete emails, attention has focussed on this action relative to UK FOI. However, at the time, Phil Jones was funded by the US Department of Energy. Readers may be interested in considering the potential effect.

That Jones was funded by the US Department of Energy has been known for some time, but it’s not something that I’d specifically reflected on in connection with the deletion request.

What brought it to my attention was browsing through the Climategate emails leading up to Jones’ delete request. Only a few emails earlier, also in May 2008, an accountant for the US Department of Energy (the Chicago office of their Office of Science) asked Jones for cost allocations. The memo shows that Jones was being funded by the DOE during the period April-June 2008. In other words, Jones’ delete request was funded by the US Department of Energy.

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