Thursday, March 10, 2011

UCS Blasts House Subcommittee Vote to Block EPA from Safeguarding Public Health and Environment | Union of Concerned [Junk] Scientists
“The House subcommittee vote is a triumph of fiction over fact,” said Lexi Shultz, legislative director of the Climate and Energy Program at UCS. “This bill ignores the vast body of scientific evidence that carbon [dioxide] emissions are leading to climate change and harming public health.”


Anonymous said...

I see no bloogging here- just regurgitation of drivel, fraud, misrepresentation. If you beieve this junk, you've been had Mr. Nelson. If Koch isn't conotributing then you need to get on the gravy train.

gofer said...


You must not have read anything. The content of this blog is simply links to articles and comments concerning climate change. If you took time to notice, a lot of the links go to articles that are pro-AGW, UNLESS the junk you refer to is a belief in AGW. The gravy train, you speak of, is running at AGW, since BILLIONS have been sunk into this black hole

BTW, I'm still waiting for scientific medical evidence that CO2 affects health, since CO2 is always in the lungs and is what causes us to breathe, without concious effort. Lack of CO2 can send you running for a paper bag.