Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Warmist Naomi Klein: Because of the carbon dioxide hoax, we need a complete restructuring of our economic system

Naomi Klein: Climate Change Destruction Thrives in a Free-Trade World | The Nation
The right has succeeded in throwing climate change science in doubt, placed major obstacles in the path of environmental legislation and continue to rake in their mercenary fees from energy and business lobbyists. All these signs of a broken system, The Nation’s Naomi Klein claims on Democracy Now! this morning, point to the fact that dealing with the crisis facing our planet will require nothing less than a complete restructuring of our economic system.

An actual remedy to the crisis would mean upending the whole free trade agenda and globalization, Klein says. It would mean localizing our economy, redistributing wealth based on paying the global south for the damages our pollution has caused, regulating corporations, subsidizing renewable energy and strengthening the United Nations.

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