Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Eco-hero cartoon character based on guy who commuted to/from his mansion more than three hours per day via private jet

Arnold Schwarzenegger Opens Up About 'Governator' - The Hollywood Reporter
CANNES - Up close and personal with Arnold Schwarzenegger, it's clear to see that the former Governor of California has a more than a touch of wistful yearning for the life of the Governator, the animated superhero he unveiled this week in Cannes.
Still, the Governator is heavy on not-so-subtle eco-messaging, using his superpowers to combat villains who splurge on fossil fuels and leave a trail of environmental damage in their wake. But to be clear, while he may be singing from the same hymnbook as An Inconvenient Truth, Schwarzenegger believes the message should be delivered in a very different way.

"We're not doing in a way that says to people 'You better never do that,'" he says. "That's the old Al Gore kind of a way to do this, to make you feel guilty. Guilt hasn't worked. Making people feel bad hasn't worked. You've got to make them feel good and draw them into the positive rather than keep talking about the negative."
2008: Governor's private-jet commute comes under fire
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Like many of the Californians he represents, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger now spends more than three hours commuting because he lives so far from the office.

But his ride is a private jet.

After flirting briefly with buying a Sacramento abode for his family, then living alone for a while in a 2,000-square-foot hotel penthouse across from the Capitol, the governor has decided to stay nearly every night at his Los Angeles mansion.

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