Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gas prices will rise under any party's plan: economists
Stephen Harper is warning that the NDP's plan to reduce carbon emissions would increase gasoline prices. But the reality is that Canadians would likely feel more pain at the pumps under any of the main political parties' greenhouse gas approaches.
A model hotel goes beyond the “Green Hour” campaign
the Food and Beverage team has decided to fully commit on this initiative by faithfully dimming lights for an hour in all its restaurants and bars, leaving our guests no choice but to brace this call to save Mother Earth
- Bishop Hill blog - There is only the team
ThinkProgress looks at tornado damage in the USA and collates a series of comments on the issue from climate scientists. For some unaccountable reason, every single scientist they have spoken to appears to be a member of that small clique we know as the Hockey Team.
For Ed, Who Can’t Search | Real Science
[interesting Paul Ehrlich quotes]

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