Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Carbon Sense Coalition » The Global Warming Scam
The temperature’s up and the sky it is falling
And the steam from the kettle is killing our towns
The weak plaided cries of alarmists are calling
But people are wary of scamsters and clowns
Skeptic's Corner: The Ever Growing Hypothesis Scam
if climate modelling output is not simply a hypothesis, what is it? Measurable evidence?
‘Green’ Royal Wedding: Wine-Powered Aston Martin - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Like his rich green mates stateside, Papa Charles uses the public dole to play out his green fantasies, including an expensive conversion of his beloved Aston to run on surplus wine. Like recycled cans at a Goracle rock concert, the Aston was a green tassel on the Royal Wedding’s giant carbon footprint. Daddy gave William his car for the day — and who knows, maybe it ran on champagne for the special occasion.
Obama 2010 : Blamed Warmth In Vancouver And Cold In Texas On Global Warming | Real Science
This year it is hot in Texas and cold in Vancouver, and they are blaming that on global warming.

Whatever the weather is that week, it is global warming. Wasn’t someone trying to claim this morning that Obama is smart?

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