Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gillard talks to Chinese premier Wen; he doesn't seem all excited about Australia's carbon dioxide swindle plans

Australian PM raises human rights with China
LANE: The Prime Minister's described her talks with premier Wen as constructive and comprehensive, and while they did talk about climate change it seems their discussion was more focused on green energy plans rather than Ms Gillard's plan for a carbon tax.

GILLARD: The topic of clean energy and climate change, premier Wen was keen to raise with me as part of explaining what is important in the forthcoming five year plan. I did explain to him that in Australia we are working through a debate about pricing carbon and it is the Government's plan to put a price on carbon.

REPORTER: Did he have any comment on that, as in you know, why we would do that?

GILLARD: No he didn't. No he didn't.

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