Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Google antes up $100 million (more) for advanced wind farm | Grist
# The Shepherds Flat wind project, into which Google is pouring $100 million, will be the largest wind farm in the world, covering 30 square miles in Oregon
# The insatiable, always-on demand for power of Google's data centers mean that Google can cut its costs even further by producing its own power.
Threat to Climate Change Act is final nail in coalition's green credentials | Environment | guardian.co.uk
That David Cameron is considering abandoning legally binding emissions targets is just another environmental failure
Cheating husband froze to death in car after meeting lover for a secret tryst during snowstorm | Mail Online
A secret love tryst in a snowstorm ended in tragedy when a cheating husband froze to death as he and his mistress cuddled together in a car, an inquest heard today.

The 29-year-old died from hypothermia as temperatures plunged to minus 10 degrees Celsius as the couple sheltered in a garage in Luton, Bedfordshire.

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