Thursday, April 07, 2011

If Al Gore Can Outgrow the Ethanol Fad, Why Can’t Conservatives?
The market for ethanol is propped up by the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), a Soviet-style production quota. Conservatives should be appalled by this reversion to Stalin-era central planning. Should taxpayers have to subsidize ethanol too?
Pachauri’s Pal – the Worldwatch Institute « NoFrakkingConsensus
Where, oh where, has the world’s media been on this file? I mean, this is high school grade behaviour. The head of an influential scientific body has been conducting himself in a manner that is so far from being circumspect, professional, and confidence-inspiring it takes my breath away.
Choking on Greenpeace deceit | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Once again, Greenpeace tries to terrify children with scientifically illiterate climate catastrophism. The real danger today is not to our planet but to our reason.
Dems smack down Obama climate rules
Angst over the Obama administration's environmental rules is reaching fever pitch on Capitol Hill, where even Democrats are looking to score points by smacking down the EPA.

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