Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quadrant Online - Climate speak
Presumably too Mr Combet will go on to try to convince us all that black is white; that costlier energy will generate jobs throughout the whole Australian economy. On that basis $60, $100 a ton of CO2 will be even better than $20. A boundless beneficial future of CO2 taxation awaits.

Welcome to the world of climate speak. In this world, taking away Australia’s comparative advantage in cheap fossil fuels will be good for us. All those constituents in the electorates of New England and Lyne and the coal miners and manufacturing workers who are a tad suspicious and concerned about this should relax. From their elevated positions in the scheme of things, and with the benefit of many experts, Windsor, Oakeshott and Combet know better than you what’s good for you.
Laura Ness: Frost does damage on upper slopes | The Salinas Californian |
Could we really be closing the book of April? How could it be that May Day is upon us and parts of Monterey County are still dealing with frost issues?

Scheid reports having a few row edges nipped, while Rich Smith of Paraiso reported damage, especially on April 8, when the Salinas Valley experienced a hyper-cooling event that spared low-lying frost-prone areas and hit upslope vineyards instead.
Acute Science Madness Flares Up Again In Germany – The Witch Hunts Are Returning
Make no mistake about it – eventually history will look back and view these “infallible scientists” as Pope Gregory the 9ths or Innocent the 8th-type crackpots and zealots who just lost their way in the darkness of their own ignorance and arrogance.

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