Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Silliness | Watts Up With That?
Here’s a hilarious green/AGW spoof of the opening theme of the 60′s TV show Green Acres
The Reference Frame: Grist: confess a sin against Earth
Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a world where the boundary between the fact and fiction - and the boundary between mental health and a hopelessly devastating mental disease - has been fully dispersed by certain people. It's just amazing. You would think that it's one of the cruelest pranks attempting to show that the environmentalists' brains are full of feces - and after a minute of research, you find out that it is not a prank!
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: NASA keeps mum on data that could disprove anthropogenic global warming theory
a 2005 paper based on the NASA water vapor data set [called NVAP] showed that water vapor levels had instead declined (with 95% confidence) between 1988-1999.
Epic Romm Romp «
The Romm Romp is different. It consists of citing yourself repeatedly within the same publication. An unwitting observer might look at all the links within a post and assume that the author has multiple sources for his claims, but in reality he is only citing himself multiple times.
In this relatively short post, Romm manages to include nine links to his own site. He links to no other site at all.

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