Wednesday, April 20, 2011

These people think you're stupid: Climate hoax project claims that there are only "approximately 100" moose in Minnesota today

Secure American Future - an American Security Project
A state-by-state assessment of the costs of climate change. Click on a state below to find out how much climate change is going to cost you.
From the Minnesota PDF:
Moose, a Minnesota wildlife icon, have experienced a steep decline in population in recent decades, dropping from around 4,000 to approximately 100 today. Moose become stressed by temperatures above 57ºF in summer and above 23ºF in winter. Climate change could eliminate the Minnesotan moose population entirely within the next several decades.
OSLO, Norway, April 19 (UPI) -- Biologists say there are now record numbers of moose in Scandinavia -- the greatest population since the Ice Age.
2011 Minnesota Moose survey estimate here: About 4900 moose, more than the estimates for 1998, or 1999, or 2000, or 2001.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any decline in moose is caused by the increase in wolves.