Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Very cold weather allegedly contributes to sudden Arctic ozone thinning; for some unspecified reason, this is allegedly evidence of global warming

Global Warming Myth? Arctic Ozone Thins by Record 40%
Those who think man-made climate change is fiction, consider this -- the ozone layer over the Arctic has thinned by a record 40% this winter. The United Nation's World Meteorological Organization said that's 10% more thinning compared to the previous season.

"The Arctic stratosphere continues to be vulnerable to ozone destruction caused by ozone-depleting substances linked to human activities," the U.N. weather agency's secretary-general Michel Jarraud said.

The ozone layer is crucial because of keeps ultraviolet radiation from the sun from reaching earth. The thinner the layer, the more rays that get through. Chemicals in air pollutants can eat away at the ozone. The U.N. said very cold weather also contributed to the record thinning.


gofer said...

Ozone is naturally unstable. It doesn’t want to exist. Two molecules of ozone (O3) are going to want to become three molecules of oxygen (O2).

It takes energy in the form of UV light to manufacture O3 at a higher rate than it wants to break down.

Put pure ozone in a tank, walk away, come back in a few days and it will have all turned to oxygen … all by itself. You don’t need to add any chemical to destroy ozone, it “wants” to destroy itself!

gofer said...

From the article:

"..even though the ozone layer naturally REGENERATES itself.."

And then farther down:

"some scientists say if the treaty hadn't been adopted, two-thirds of the world's ozone layer would be gone about a half-century from now, and our climate would already be several degrees warmer."

For a gas that has a very short half-life in air, depending on temp., they lead people to believe that the layer would be stable if not for CFC's. The Ozone hole was a huge scam. How do you destroy something that is constantly regenerating?