Monday, April 04, 2011

Warmist McKibben: "If one degree melts the Arctic, we would be fools to find out what four degrees does"

Speaker tells UI crowd Earth is heating up | KLEW CBS 3 - News, Weather and Sports - Lewiston, ID
McKibben is the founder of, the first global grassroots climate change initiative. He says the need to mitigate climate change is something people have known about for the last 22 years, but isn't something they've taken action on.

"Being human, our hope, I guess, is that it would take awhile because then it would be somebody else's problem to deal with and not ours," McKibben said. "But the story of the last two decades is it didn't take awhile. It is happening in enormous rapidity, it is happening much faster and in a much larger scale than we would have guessed even 20 years ago."
"Unless we take dramatic action, that one degree will be four or five degrees before the century is out. If one degree melts the Arctic, we would be fools to find out what four degrees does."

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