Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Warmist yearns for the “freedom” of a dictatorship | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Sydney Morning Herald columnist Elizabeth Farrelly sighs for the virtue of a communist dictatorship, which, unike Australia, needs not pander to the 80 per cent of the population which has an IQ of just 80 and resists virtuous causes such as global warming
The voice of America's frustrated youth, Power Shift, is on its way to the UK | Guppi Bola and Charlie Young | Environment |
At Sunday's march on the Chamber of Commerce with their green helmets and suitcases, they chanted "I'm ready to work. Where's my green job?"
Vandals strike at gas stations on anniversary of Gulf oil spill | Bay City News | Local | San Francisco Examiner
The group's website says Rising Tide is comprised of people and organizations that confront the root causes of climate change, and linked to another website,, that called Wednesday a day of action to mark the one-year anniversary of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The fliers left behind at the gas stations said, "We act against oil that kills humanity and kills the planet. We urge movement against gasoline now before it is too late for us all."

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