Monday, May 02, 2011

The Electric Car Strikes Back? | Mother Jones
Chris Paine: ...Consumers were saying, 'If we have to have cars, why are only bad cars available? Why do we have to rely on the Middle East?'
MJ: But what about batteries? Aren't people still nervous that electric cars can't go far enough?

CP: I like to take folks back to the turn of the century when people said 'gas cars can never replace horses because you can feed horses at your house, you get along with them, they're nice.' Well the same thing is true today. Obviously the horse can still do things that the gas car can never do, and the gas car will always be able to do things the electric car can't do. But they have really different uses and advantages.
Asia Sentinel - North Korea Facing a New Crisis?
according to South Korean charities, the North, perennially facing food shortages, in the wake of a harsh winter may be facing the worst famine since the mid-1990s when it is thought that as many as 2 million people starved to death. Once again, people are reported to be foraging for rats and snakes, grass and weeds and tree bark in an effort to stave off starvation.
Swan “lost” on carbon tax, Boswell says | Australian Conservative
Statements made by Treasurer Wayne Swan show that he has no understanding regarding the effects the Carbon Tax will have on manufacturers, Queensland Nationals Senator Ron Boswell said in a media release today.

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