Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Energy Tribune- Now Even Tornadoes Are Used For Energy Spin
President Obama and Secretary Chu are either unaware of or ignore the fact that computer models are greatly over-predicting the amount of warming in the upper troposphere. These models are forecasting 2 to 3 times more warming than has been observed with real world measurements. This dramatic warming is the fingerprint that would prove that man made global warming is real but it is not there. And yet these predictions are what Mr. Chu and the President thinks we should use to completely dismantle our proven system of making energy and somehow replace with highly theoretical, unproven “renewables” that potentially could have a much worse impact on America than any climate changes in the next 50 years. Obama says he wants to eliminate fossil fuels as an energy source one day and then says he wants to fund exploration by foreign countries and then buy their oil the next. This strangely inconsistent policy can’t be good for our energy or economic future.
Twentieth-Century Growth Rates of Florida (USA) Corals
In discussing their findings, Helmle et al. say they demonstrate that "the measured corals have historically been able to maintain rates of extension and calcification over the 60-year period from 1937 to 1996 under the combination of local environmental and climatic changes." They also note that calcification rates were positively related to sea surface temperature

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