Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Freedom of Information | Climate Etc.
IMO, Nurse’s money quote is this one:

“Scientists are going to have to get used to the idea that transparency means being transparent to your critics as well as your allies. You cannot pick and choose to whom you are transparent,”
The Myth of Killer Mercury | The SPPI Blog
To build its case against mercury, the EPA systematically ignored evidence and clinical studies that contradict its regulatory agenda, which is to punish hydrocarbon use.
Spending Bill Clears Military Use of High-Carbon "Liquid Coal" -
Supporters of the provision, however, note that current law prohibits the Defense Department from buying crude produced from Canada’s oil sands, potentially increasing fuel costs to the military — and its reliance on more far-flung foreign suppliers.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds no evidence of climate change causing increase of tropical storms
A paper published online today in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds that there is no evidence to suggest that 'climate change' is responsible for a reported increase in the frequency of short-duration tropical storms of the North Atlantic during the 20th century. Rather, the paper finds that an increase in reported storms is simply due to improved methods of detection (the "observing system") over the 20th century rather than any evidence of 'climate change.'

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