Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Killing Kyoto | The Resilient Earth
By its creators' own admission, Kyoto has been a failure. Surely the best thing we could do is to kill Kyoto altogether. Yet hope springs eternal in the breast of bureaucratic climate regulators everywhere.

They got the science wrong and in many cases their regulations have been counter productive. The only thing Kyoto helped to create is a gigantic international bureaucracy that tries to insinuate itself into every government, every agency on the planet. Not satisfied with wasting billions of dollars that could be put to far better use, the IPCC and its green fellow travelers wish to dictate how we live our daily lives. If it is zero CO2 emissions they desire let them lead by example—stop jetting around the world, attending international conclaves in fancy hotels, shuttling about in limousines. In fact, since they demand zero human carbon dioxide output, let's insist they all stop exhaling. The whole world would breath much easier.
Greenpeace blocks Europe business summit to climate laggards | Scoop News
Greenpeace activists locked themselves to the summit doors and refused to let climate laggards - who hold back political and economic progress - such as Microsoft, BP and Volkswagen into the conference.
Torn Turnbull reopens climate change wounds - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Mr Turnbull told Lateline the chief advantage of the Opposition's direct action policy is it is easy to stop if you do not believe in preventing climate change.

"If you believe there is not going to be any global action and that the rest of the world will just say, 'It's all too hard and we'll just let the planet get hotter and hotter,' and, heaven help our future generations if you take that rather grim, fatalistic view of the future and you want to abandon all activity, a scheme like that is easier to stop."

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